Our son the chef, was cooking dinner for us all and the menu was homemade enchiladas. He makes a tasty cream cream sauce using a grilled pablano pepper and white onion. Those were the only two things on the grill at the time. My son had just put them on and decided to go inside a few minutes and prepare the other ingredients. That decision saved him from harm.
We were all inside the house when my wife heard a loud noise and looked out the window and the grill was engulfed in flames. We grabbed fire extinguishers but the fire was too big. Only a few minutes into the fire, the propane cylinders heated up and started to explode shooting flames 10 feet up like a furnace.
We called 911 and started to clear the house and get out front. Grabbing the two dogs we were met outside with 6 Woodway police. We went next door and alarmed the people on that side of the house. Within minutes flames were shooting up as each cylinder heated and forced gas out the bypass valves. Unfortunately, there were two cylinders under the grill. One open and one closed as a spare.

Here is my take away that I hope and pray everyone reading this will heed:
1. Make sure you have a charged fire extinguisher within reach of your gas grill. Maybe on the patio or porch close by. Check it often for full charge and know how to use it. We had 2 but they were in the house and too far away.
2. Contrary to what others tell you, do not store your extra cylinder with the grill. Store it in a dry safe place away from the grill.
3. With a gas grill, once it becomes engulfed in flames, back off and call 911 and get clear away. A fire extinguisher is of no value on forced gas from a cylinder. Propane cylinders have blow off valves to keep them from exploding. Thank God for whoever designed that feature.
4. When gas grilling, never leave it alone for long periods of time.
The only cause we can figure is a leak in one of the lines or a leak in one for the cylinders. There were only two small items on the grill and that would not cause a fire. This is the very first fire I have ever had a fire of this proportion and it was spooky for sure.
There, you have my safely tips from this experience.
We praise God that my no one was standing in front of the grill when it caught fire.
We praise God that it did not catch the house on fire.
We praise God that police and fire departments were there in minutes.